Monday, June 29, 2009

Free Books

So, this is going to sound pretty silly to some... every since I can remember when I wanted some books I went to the store & bought them or more recently ordered them on Amazon. Then I'm lucky to read them once, unless it's a cookbook or discipline bk. Even then, how many times have I bought them, then been disappointed... It probably started when I was young and used to love to read & highlight, then collect all these books...that I have since outgrown & that are just CLUTTER. So, a light bulb went off last week & I decided to take the kids to the library (1st time!). I am so excited!! SO many books --FREE...and I can return them when I'm done. No $, no clutter. Better than that, I can order what I want online, then I can just pick up my free stuff at the desk... cookbooks, parenting & relationship books, magazines, audio books, DVDs, CDs..... sweet. Did you know you can check out 30 items per person?? Crazy. Oh yeah, & you can download audio books to your iPhone. Nice. Did I mention you can return them to any of the local libraries (we have 28!)? If you don't have time to read them or lose interest-- no $ lost. Isis has already read through the 6 books she picked out (2 days ago)--great free diversion from media. Okay enough, I feel like I'm doing a library commercial.

2nd & last subject of the day is comments. Is anyone out there? :) Please, I would LOVE to have some feedback... Pretend this is just a random Facebook post and throw me a line once-in-while.


Bree said...

Kate asked me the other day about Jade and Isis... so I looked up your blog which led me here... glad to see things are going well and thanks for reminding me that our library books are overdue... I remember when I found the library - I think Ive saved thousand$ with all Kate reads.

Im sure others are following your blog but just aren't too keen on commenting - I only did because you asked. ;) Anyway - again, glad to see things are working out and good luck for the future.

Sherié said...

Wow- "Meeeeeeooooooooow". ;)
Flash from the past.
So, how are you? What are you up to these days? And, where are you living?
Thanks for the comment. :)

Blue Sea said...

I was very, very happy to read this entry, most particularly the parts about you taking your children to the library, and about your daughter reading several books.

Many schools and colleges have had to reduce their reading lists in the past decades because they found that, with the invention of the Internet and, more recently, texting, children and young adults can no longer handle the volume of books that their predecessors did twenty years ago. Coupled with this, the ability to write has been declining at an alarming rate with each successive generation. Some people now fill out job applications in the exact same manner (spelling, grammar and punctuation-wise) as if they were texting.

That is why it is a breath of fresh air to read about a responsible parent like you who cares enough to expose her children to reading.

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