Hello, I am looking for a girl to stay at my house and help me with the day to day responsibilties of caring for my five children. I am recently separated and was not planning on raising my children by myself but my wife decided to become a lesbian and ubruptly move out. I am currently on welfare and cannot afford to pay someone to help out but in exchange I can offer a roof over your head and 3 meals a day for the right person. You must posess good maturnal instincts and great character for me to trust you with my kids. No drugs, alcohol, drama, no exceptions. If you think you can do this please e-mail me for an interview. Thanks, Jonathan
Location: yuba city, ca
Compensation: no pay
Location: yuba city, ca
Compensation: no pay
Oh my!! Good luck with that. So, really only homeless people (with internet access) need apply. Heck, "no alcohol"-- I'm not even eligible. His best bet is to kiss his wife's ass and bring the poor children's mother home. Seriously, uncover what it is that she really craves...respect, appreciation, passion, compassion, love, cunnilingus... and GIVE IT TO HER! She is the mother of your 5 children. It is a tragedy for all involved. Man up! Get a job. (Learn to spell check.) Try that "Love Dare"...
It is insane to expect anyone else to move into a no-income situation and care for 5 children-- with no compensation. Their own mother couldn't take it anymore...(though that's no excuse to abandon your children). It's hard enough to be a mother and housewife to your own children, let alone to someone else's bratty kids-- with no carrot dangling at the end of the stick. Shoot, you can't even have a glass of wine at the end of the day-- because a) you don't have any $ and b) you're not allowed to drink.
I've been through a handful of paid "Mother's Helpers" (and interviewed countless) and I can attest that good help is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. For this poor guy, it's going to be like trying to find a needle in the ocean.
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